St. James AME Church and Compton Chamber Partnership
The Compton Food Pantry under the auspices of the Compton Chamber of Commerce has been serving the Compton community successively and without interruption since its inception in March 2020.
In search for a permanent location for the Compton Food Pantry, the Compton Chamber of Commerce reached out to community late 2021. In February 2022, the Compton Food Pantry program was welcomed by St. James AME Church under the tutelage of Pastor Nicolette Birdsong. Soon after, the Compton Food Pantry moved its operations to the St. James AME Church. Today, the pantry operations under the auspices of the Compton Chamber of Commerce continue at the St. James AME Church location with the Chamber's full commitment to serve the community for the years to come.
About St. James AME Church
After over 30 years of absence in the city of Compton, the AME denomination church opened on March 13th, 2022 headed by the Compton native Pastor Nicolette Birdsong.
Dr. Lestean Johnson, President of the Compton Chamber stated that “The Compton Chamber is elated to have Pastor Nicolette Birdsong come back to her roots here in Compton to fulfill a two-fold purpose. She’s not only returning to continue building up the Compton community through faith-based services and outreach (and pantry project falls under this mission), but also to build affordable housing for the community she was born and raised in. This is an exciting time for the City of Compton and the churches who will be fortunate to be a part of these projects.”
At the present time, we are blessed with our new home at the St. James AME Church.
Pantry Location: St. James AME Church
(St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church)
Address: 601 W. Rosecrans Ave., Compton, CA 90222
(corner of Rosecrans/Matthisen)
Phone: (310) 933-8612 or (323) 758-6786
E-mail: revnikkibirdsongwilson@gmail.com
Hours of operation:
Delivery to seniors/disabled: Fridays 10 am – 3 pm
Community distribution: Saturdays 11 am – 3 pm
Church distribution: Sundays 12 noon – 1 pm

Please contact the Compton Chamber of Commerce if you have any questions regarding the Compton Food Pantry program, to be added on the recipient list, or apply to volunteer.
To learn more about the history/background of the Compton Food Pantry, please visit our website at the following link: https://www.comptonchamberofcommerce.org/compton-food-pantry