Compton Chamber of Commerce invites you to join us in celebrating the legacy of women of distinction this year. Scheduled for 1 p.m. on Friday, March 27th, 2020 at the Dollarhide Community Center in Compton, the Women's Recognition Luncheon event is for everyone, not just women. The greater Compton area business community and the public are cordially invited. Anyone who is a resident or business owner within greater Compton region should attend to hear of the wonderful ways this group of exemplary women of distinction is giving to our community.

Each year, Women of Achievement Awards are presented to Compton community members during our annual Women's Recognition Luncheon. The women of distinction being recognized at this event are dedicated to the Compton community, its residents and local businesses; and each one of them embody the character traits of “passion, dedication, determination and commitment in life and work,” and exemplify the many ways they lead in our community.
The Women's Recognition Luncheon is a way for Compton Chamber of Commerce to recognize and celebrate the tremendous work of women in our community. We are so excited to be celebrating the women of distinction in our community who are doing amazing work to make our community a better place to live and work. We are truly grateful for the support provided by our member businesses for this essential event.
This year’s event will feature a keynote from Honorable Herb Wesson, run-off Candidate for the District 2 Supervisor seat for Los Angeles County .
How to attend?
Tickets for the award presentation and luncheon are $45 or $400 for a table that seats ten. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact the Chamber at (310) 631-8611 or via e-mail at . To secure your space now, please send us your payment along with the copy of this flyer to the Compton Chamber of Commerce.
Download the Flyer/RSVP information here!